
Powerful Knowledge in Computing

Powerful Knowledge in Computing is based on the ability to abstract and decompose a problem to produce a solution through thorough investigation. Students have opportunities throughout KS3 to produce robust and considered solutions to problems posed in class. Alongside this, it is important students develop an understanding of how the hardware within a computer functions, removing the ‘black box’ nature of technology.


Curriculum Features

The KS3 curriculum is designed to ensure students studying GCSE Computer Science have a grounding in the fundamental concepts covered at KS4. Students start with the ‘big picture’, studying Hardware and Algorithms, giving them the skills to access later topics such as Binary and Hexadecimal where students study the mathematical makeup of machines. Over the 3 years, students learn to program in 3 languages, starting with block-based languages before progressing to High-Level Languages. The development of programming skills is also built into physical Computing tasks such as coding thermometers and LED lights to effectively apply the knowledge learnt in earlier Algorithm and Programming units.


Co-curriculum Enrichment

  • Students have the opportunity to enter a range of National Competitions such as game design and development for YGD BAFTA and competing against other secondary schools in CyberGame events.
  • Students from the University of Manchester run ‘Mini MIT’ for KS3 students to learn how to program robots.
  • Amaze, a digital marketing agency, support our year 9 female students through web development sessions in Girl:Code.